Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pip, Pip, Hooray!

Finally, (baby) Pip is around and believe it or not, smiling! He does seem to have a very peculiar sense of humor, probably acquired locally in Southampton.... Initially, I had my doubts as to if he was really ever going to smile, but Carolina reassured me saying it was just a question of time, before he could properly focus his little eyes... And sure enough, the day has come, and now that he can focus on our faces, he apparently thinks we are hilarious! Judging from the Dad and Mom's smiles, there should be no problem... But he is definitely a determined little guy! I noticed he does like to listen to people, and specially French, in the kitchen, where he seems to enjoy the aroma of Yvonne's cooking with Radio Monte Carlo playing in the background. He says 'Obrigado' to Pia, Bitty, Denise, Maria Lúcia and all of Vóvó Lolô's fan club and Thank You to all those who sent him a mountain of presents which make him look and feel happy! Carolina has now set up a number of 'stations' around the house to have this restless little guy enjoy himself with different scenarios, toys and distractions... Otherwise, as with most little guys his age, it's feed & sleep! (not to mention other also important functions...)


  1. Seems to be a bright kid! I love his cute smile...

  2. Essa foi boa,
    o post tá bem legal... não sabia que o meu pai é um Child Development expert, e consegue identificar que o Pip gosta de ouvir frances...hheheh .. e radio monte carlo,,, anyway, hope to meet the little guy soon !

  3. Philip sua crônica é ótima e muito divertida, me inclui no fan club da vovó lolo. Muitos beijos no netinho sorridente!!!
